Over 3,500 Orders Shipped - Thank You!

We've officially shipped over 3,500 orders since launching in August, 2019. We've simply been blown away by the feedback we've received as so many people have told us that Zebas have made their lives easier. It makes us so happy to hear Zebas have such a positive impact on people's lives. 

Zeba Testimonial Facebook

Thank you Roanne, and thank you to everyone who has given a new brand like Zeba a chance. While we've been having trouble keeping some styles and sizes in stock, we should be getting more inventory soon. Demand for Zebas has been incredibly strong and we're thrilled to see so many 2nd, 3rd, and even 4th orders already.


Update on Styles:

We know we need more styles for both men and ladies, especially so for ladies. We'll be launching 4 new styles by the end of the year (2 for men and 2 for ladies. One men and one ladies style will be available in extra wide as well).

As always, if you ever have any questions you can always reach us directly on Facebook messenger on our Facebook page or via email at contact@zebashoes.com.

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